Here are a few tidbits from the last couple of days.
Tuesday's run was decent. I came in at 8:17 under the goal pace (8:31) over the 7 miles. I was slightly bothered by some minor lower right leg soreness that's been lingering around for the last week or so. I am pretty sure it's just muscle soreness, so I am not worried about it at this point. It's very common to have aches and pains throughout training. You have to know your body and know when to back off and when to go to doctor if necessary. I have taken a couple days off in the past when issues have come up, but we're not near that point yet. Here are two highlights from the Tuesday run:
1) I helped a kid put his chain back on his bike around mile number 5.
2) Some other kids around mile 5.5 who were watching a little league game seemed very excited to see me as I made a turn on the running path and came up to me waving. I waved back, they seemed more fired up so I gave a couple of them high fives. Needless to say, they were incredibly excited, as if I was some superstar or celebrity.
Today's run went really well. I ran miles 2 and 3 at a 7:12 pace and miles 5 and 6 at a 7:15. My leg felt a better and I was pretty much able to hit my goal of 7:13 for those 4 miles. This was a big day for me to see where I am currently at across several miles at a pretty quick pace.
My new pair of shoes arrived today. My current set has about 140 miles and I have nearly 500 miles left to go in this training season. I can post the exact number tomorrow - the are on my other computer.
They say running shoes last anywhere between 300-500 miles, so I'll come up with a plan to distribute the miles amongst the two sets. I may need to get one more pair depending on how long my current pair can last. This is my first pair of this model - the Brooks Adrenaline 8 - so I am not sure how many miles they are good for.
I have one other story about a different conversation I had today about my running, but I'll save it for tomorrow. You won't want to miss it.
Lastly and most importantly, we topped $19,000 tonight. I am still amazed everyday when I log into the site and see that total at the top of the page. Thanks to all of you once again. You're all awesome.
Rant or Rave: Anti-Vax Movement
12 hours ago
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