Well, the heat got me today. I shouldn't have been so arrogant yesterday. I got my 7 miles in at an 8:21 pace, but it was a rough one. Very hot. Very humid. Very much not fun. I felt like I was out there for 3 hours. I am actually pretty sore post-run as well. I think the 8 a little faster than usual (so far) coupled with the heat was a bad recipe. Also throw in the fact that I stayed up watching the MLB All-Star game and slept for about 5 hours last night. I have no one to blame but myself for staying up, but I couldn't stop watching the game. I was getting pumped to see some position players take the hill.
The Yankee Stadium stuff was getting old though. I completely understand the historical significance of the stadium, but it was a little over the top to me. Tiffany and I made a visit out to one of my best friends Kyle Wills (drummer of the Teenage Prayers, the best band nobody has heard of) in New York and took in both a Yankees and Mets game last year. I was less than impressed with both of those stadiums. Shea was particularly a dump. Yankee Stadium wasn't really anything spectacular.
Glad to see Bart Yasso checking on the blog. Keep 'em coming Bart.
Also glad to hear from a particular runner who basically willed me to the finish line in last year's marathon. I will give much more on this story of the '07 Chicago Marthon down the road, but this guy is/was a saint. And he's decided to conquer the 26.2 miles for real this year. I will definitely have the runningforcru team supporting him as well.
In addition to sharing some analytical info on runningforcru.blogspot this weekend, I am going to try to finish up the story of last four weeks leading up to the 2004 Chicago Marathon for you. Goodnight.
Rant or Rave: Anti-Vax Movement
12 hours ago
This post title is incorrect. It should read Heat 1, Zab 0.
There's no such thing as a draw with Mother Nature.
Mother Nature is the reigning champ. To win the battle versus Mother Nature, you need give her a thumping that's on par with the one that Edward Norton handed that kid in American History X (a scene that's even more disturbing than Richard Simmons's hair plugs).
Are you doubtful?
Here's just a couple of events Mother Nature's has given us in the last few years: tsunami in Indonesia, 225,000 dead; Hurricane Katrina, 2,000 dead, thousands more homeless; tornado that nearly wiped Utica, Illinois, from the map; and, late last year, a hail storm that nearly demolished my 1985 Yugo GV hatchback (don't worry, thanks to some stellar bondo work from my cousin Ljubomir, the Yugo has never looked better).
Judging by this brief list, it does not appear as if Mother Nature likes to be trifled with. Nor does she consider some kid running a few miles at a clip of 8:21 a draw, no matter how big his pot belly is.
So, you can strap on those fancy new shoes, you can do Yassos until the oxen come home, you can even train in fancy red and white striped shorts, but you can't outrun your momma.
Look outside, Andy Avalos.
Mother Nature is waiting.
Just think, if you used to be a drug addict like Josh Hamilton you might be on ESPN. I wonder if Josh ever burned down a shed for a party. No that is a story worth telling.
I have an idea. I think you should scream "I drink your milkshake" throughout the entire 26.2 miles. Just watch for flying bowling pins because they hurt bad.
Brant Miller was a much better DJ on Z95. His weather predictions stink. If he told me that Milli Vanilla was up next, I knew that I would eventually hear some Milli. Sometimes he tells me it will rain and it doesn't.
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